How you can enlarge the member

Short the sexual act is an issue that prevents full sexual satisfaction of both partners. When the duration of the intercourse least 2-3 minutes, the woman cannot reach to orgasm, and the man, the intensity of the sensations may be reduced.

In addition, the impact this has on their emotional state, leading to the development of a multitude of complexes.

Description of the pathology

the increase of member of the

Short is considered to be the penetration, which lasts less than 2-3 minutes. In the most severe cases ejaculation occurs before the introduction of the penis into the vagina.

In the statement of the duration of sexual intercourse is 3 to 7 minutes – which is defined by the individual features of men, by the degree of arousal, your age and state of health. It is very likely that the woman realizes that the sexual act became the most short. Companion, this can be easily identified the lack of proper sexual satisfaction.

Fact: a brief act of sexual intercourse excessive if the excitation is able to occur in men healthy – it is not considered pathology.

The duration of sexual intercourse, determines the period of abstinence. When you re-act duration increases, and when the duty of abstention – is significantly reduced. Some of the pairs of 2-3 minutes of sex is the norm in these cases, during the period of orgasm reached both members of the couple.

The causes of the

Frequently, the cause of the reduction of the duration of sexual intercourse serves as a psychological factor. It is less common, the emergence of problems in relation to that of any disease in the body.

The most common causes of a brief sexual act in men:

  • the syndrome post-traumatic – nerve surge prevents tune with sexy touches;
  • an intimate life with the new partner;
  • the insecurity in the own forces, and oppression;
  • the lack of experience is the first sexual act in the life of man is too short;
  • the age of up to 20 years;
  • a strong sexual excitement, active and sex;
  • a prolonged period of abstinence;
  • increased sensitivity of the glans of the penis;
  • the inflammation of the organs of the urinary system;
  • the violation of the power;
  • cut the flange;
  • the osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • the dispersion of multiple sclerosis;
  • lesions in the genital organs.

The recovery of the hope of sex occurs after the complete elimination of the causes of the pathology. Some of the chronic diseases of difficult-to-treat, or are life-nature and, consequently, increase the duration of sex is only possible with the help of special preparations.

If you have the psychological causes of treat short the sexual act the man should be the appropriate specialist. Sometimes, fairly serious conversation with a companion – when due attention is paid, by your side, the condition can resolve with their own resources. This not being possible, the treatment involves the psychologist. In addition to visits to the sessions man are assigned sedatives and other medications.

Important: the psychological causes of with time, lead to too short the sexual act or the violation of the power, so that its revision should begin immediately.

Diagnostic measures

To determine the causes of the pathology requires a complex diagnosis, developed with the participation of sex therapist, the urologist and the neurologist. The list of required procedures for:

  • the survey of men – identification of the possible causes of a brief act of sexual intercourse, symptoms of accompanying diseases;
  • palpation of the prostate and scrotum – the identification of inflammatory processes, varicose veins, bad position of the testes, etc;
  • The ultrasound genital – detailed assessment of the state of the testis, the prostate, the ditches, and seed bubbles;
  • the analysis of the prostate secretion – the study of their functions;
  • a sample of the urethra – detection of possible infectious diseases of the microorganisms, the nature of the microflora;
  • an x-ray or an mri of the spine for the exclusion of osteochondrosis;
  • Mri or ct is the study of the presence of neurological disorders;
  • bacteriological seeding of the urine – the identification of pathogens inflammatory processes.
as to enlarge the member

It is important to go to the doctor it is necessary, together with the partner – this will allow you to determine with greater precision why the man cut the sexual act, and find the correct solution of the problem.

The tips of psychological problems

These recommendations are relevant for men who have complexes that lead to short sex. Help to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, to relieve the emotional tension.

To do this, it is necessary to observe the following recommendations:

  • the use of multiple condoms will help to reduce the sensitivity of the penis, prolonging the penetration;
  • distraction in the companion to the follow-up to lask, which briefly interrupts the sexual act – helps with excessive use of sexual arousal;
  • the masturbation for a couple of hours before you have sex – is most effective in adolescence and lack of experience;
  • the use of the methodology of "Start-stop" — to the sense of urgency ejaculation, remove the penis and hold your hand for a few seconds before the removal of the tension, and then continue sexual relations;
  • the rotation of deep and shallow friction;
  • the adoption of the depressant medication for a couple of hours before the sex – is due to the excessive use of emotion, in part by reducing the level of excitation.

Prior to the sexual act, you can ask the woman to make a slight massage – this will configure on the fret, remove the excess of suffering, brought together by partners.

For massage you can use essential oils possess relaxing, or increase the attraction of the action – sandalwood, ylang-ylang, rose, lavender, Jasmine, neroli, nutmeg.


To increase the duration of sex, there are several types of medications. The man should take a few hours before intimacy.

Medicines that help to prolong even very short the sexual act:

  • tools to increase the duration of intercourse;
  • local anesthetics reduce the sensitivity of the glans of the penis;
  • refrigerants intimate lubrication appropriate of these tools with the corresponding effect.

Tip: tools for the improvement of power should not take much time – this can alter the natural erectile function.

Popular recipes

Traditional medicine can be applied to a main or as a complement to the short-term treatment of sexual relations in combination with medications or different methods. Prior to use you should consider the statement to be taken the drug in the subject of the interaction with other substances.

Home remedies for the renewal of the intercourse:

  • the decoction of the oak bark for the adoption of the seats of baths – improves local blood circulation;
  • the infusion of peppermint has a calming effect, to the outside of the application reduces the sensitivity of the glans of the penis;
  • of wheat, oil, influences the hormonal status, improves the quality and duration of sexual relationships;
  • berries of raspberry and currant – slow down the arousal process;
  • apiculture products – have a positive influence on sexual potency.

Is authorized, at the time several of the media – this will help to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

For more recommendations

penis enlargement methods

To renew your intimate, the man must comply with the following rules:

  • the introduction of the penis only after the full arousal of the woman, in the wet vagina to increase the probability of achieve a quick orgasm partner, and reduces the irritation of the head of the penis;
  • replacement of friction in pressing the motion of your body, stimulating erogenous zones of the partner – allows you to relax and remove excess stress, after which the sexual act continues with new forces;
  • to receive small amounts of alcohol – relieves stress, relaxes and adapts to the intimate proximity.

These rules can be used, and if you want to prolong the sexual act, in the background of the absence of pathology.

The prevention of the

The preventative measures are relevant, not only to increase the duration of sex, but also to improve the quality of the intimate life. Help prevent many diseases and disorders of the sexual sphere, support the immunity.

The prevention of a brief sexual act:

  • a balanced diet in the diet of the men must be present in a large quantity of products with a protein content of nuts, meat, fish;
  • the compliance regime of the day – improving the well-being, normalizes the power;
  • regular sexual life;
  • the use of barrier methods contraceptive methods, especially with the new companion to the prevention of the spread of stis;
  • a good night's rest to improve the quality of the sexual life needs to rest, removing the accumulated nervous tension;
  • sports – relieve stress, improve physical health;
  • establishment of relationships of trust with the partner.

Important: compliance with these rules is present during the treatment of the pathology.


Short the sexual act often the cause of a huge man physical discomfort. To solve this pathology, you must install companion relationships of trust, use of special techniques during sex.

If the solution of the psychological problems of the changes is not so, it must undergo an exhaustive study about the presence of diseases.